Vandals splash paint gang signs on homes, cars, WSB-TV
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Vandals spray-paint gang signs on homes, cars
by: Audrey Washington Updated: Jun 23, two thousand seventeen – 6:Nineteen PM
SOUTH FULTON COUNTY, Ga. – Police are attempting to find out who spray-painted a South Fulton County neighborhood with gang signs.
Channel two Activity News captured movie of several homes and cars spray-painted after someone or a group went on an apparent vandalism spree. Police told Channel Two’s Audrey Washington more than twenty homes were tagged sometime inbetween 1:30 a.m. and three a.m. on Beethoven Circle and Grey Fox Way.
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The gang name «Crip» appeared on homes and cars.
Many neighbors were astonished this happened there.
«It`s the very first time we had anything like this in our neighborhood,» said Bobby Driskell.
One neighbor, who was too panicked to display her face on camera, believes she may have seen the vandals before they struck.
«I heard them jiggling them up and blasting something and I thought it was a neighbor because they went to the front door,” she said.
And she may not be the only person who spotted them.
A police officer told Washington he spotted a group of youthful fellows not wearing any shirts near the Clayton County/South Fulton County line right before the vandalism was discovered.
“I just think we need a stronger neighborhood observe because we got to stop crime like this,” said resident Bernard Russell.
Investigators are going through neighborhood security movie to find out who is responsible.
Anyone with information is asked to call police.