GTA six Grand Theft Auto Release Date, Trailer, News And Feature

GTA six Grand Theft Auto Release Date, Trailer, News And Feature

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I think GTA six should have

Guns more customizable

Houses instead of aparments for online

More cars more planes more boats

More activities such as shooting compo s fishing hunting camping and u should have the freedom to anything

More missions and heists

If we could have hotels and casinos

Restaurants and we could pack gas water and oil in our cars

I think those are all the tweeks needed oh and fresh clothes the wardrobe from GTA five can be improved

Sports betting, race tracks, bookies, everything to do with gambling needs to be a cornerstone of gta 6, you can tie in all the mafias and organized crime with the gambling and the dangerous loan sharks, i love that stuff. Also street stuff too like selling dope, chop shop operations, pimps and hookers. More options with everything and lots of different events and choices to alter the storyline. Poker games. Casinos. Craps games on the streets. Make it fetish mask. Make it mafia style. Make the storyline epic please! One character should be a wise man, one should be a gang banger, and one should be a super highspeed, ninja assassin type whos indeed resourceful and some sort of special compels black ops type background. A professional hit man. Trevor was cool, but he was just too foolish and wacky to be taken earnestly. If youre gonna make some crazy man who everyone is funked of, do it right please and make him like the 3rd character i described.

I hope the make the characters a lot more coordinated in gta 6. All the characters are so clumsy. Make the knuckle fighting a lot better too. Hopefully they add in some underground bareknuckle fighting to the story in gta 6. Illegal gambling and mobster loan sharks too. I love that shit. Poker would be a joy activity to play with other people in online mode, also some mobster poker games in story mode too would be cool. Tormenting and killing the people who dont pay their debts. Jail and prison too. Maybe part of the story mode one or more of the characters is locked up and has to walk the mainline and get through in there. Prison in online mode too. Like if you go around killing other players too much you gotta go to prison for a set amount of time. Then you gotta spend some time on parole when you get out too. There needs to be consequences for the d bags that just go around killing people all the time.

Bring back bowling too please and the comedy shows too from gta iv. Casinos, card rooms, and private games too. Maybe professional sports events too. Basketball pick up games at the park or at the gym. House parties. Night clubs. More than one undress club. And please just make an epic story mode. Please. Story mode is still one of my beloved parts of the game, so please dont begin half assing the story now that there is online mode.

Gta six should consist of buying dealing drugs for a living give an option to work a regular job still have guns good cars just add drug dealing without missions and a reg job be able to have a gf be able to cheat on gf and get a into violent arguements have kids but things like add a target to but the strolller carrier everything have parties baby showers as many kids as u want choice to be gay leabian bisexual be able to carry the baby any where take baby any where house robberies jail holding cells

I believe that grand theft auto six should be just like grand theft auto five but the only thing I would add is a two player option for offline players because some people don’t have Internet to do that stuff I also think that their should be three characters one of them being a female eventually I suggest that their should be a fatter option of what cars we have today

I think a total out zombie mode would be totally fucking awesome! Like where the entire city gets more and more fucked up looking as the story progreset and have the civilians most be zombies and some be survivors you can attempt to help or let get eaten. Have like enormous zombie hoards and make the cars look like zombie killer rails. Kind of like the Duke o death in GTAV also I thought the three characters thing was cool but tremor was super annoying. Another thing I’d like to see is more freedom of choice like skyrim or any elder scrolls game where your choices make a difference some in big ways some in puny ones.





Underneath some good ideas to improve GTA6 or update GTA5!!

1) the story mode should be having/consisting of the same updates as there are online;

Two) enhance the buying portfolio of houses/apartments, businesses (fatter and more serious, like commencing a private security hard) and yachts in story mode;

Four) there should be a casino;

Five) listen to your own music in safehouse or vehicle.

6) option to marry dame after dates;

7) be able to switch maps by flying with jet or plane ticket;

8) be able to hire a driver for every vehicle (car, boat or plane);

9) saving/respawn cars at harbor or at the airport if you are back from going away with boat or plane;

Ten) built own character next to standard ones;

11) be able to organize parties in houses, yachts;

12) characters their standard cars should be editable and changeable;

Very interesting.i suggest dlc packs for extra maps, that add extra missions. For example gta six would have a dlc pack which would contain an extra character and a seperate map, or an older character used from a previous game.

i think GTA six just needs more crimes available , e.g robbing houses and selling the stuff to a fence/pawn shop, selling drugs where you have to witness out for undercover cops or crazy crack goes who attack you and you earn from individual sales but have to find a supplier etc, form gangs to control ‘rubber hoods’ which you can bust paint with gang signs and have to protect and which other gangs hit you up with random drive by’s which liberate you money/points, pimping where you can kidnap women off the street and force into prostitution through drugs or violence or sheer pimping style but other pimps steal them from you and punters attack them so you have to protect them and you earn money off each punter , protection rackets which you can run on shop in areas you or your gang control , forgery and counterfeit operations where you have to travel around collecting items needed such as the correct paper and inks to print money etc youd need to build up contacts for this which could also be other players on line who you need to trade with, antiques either illegal importation of or theft and sale of you could steal them from museums or smuggle then via foreign tomb robbers and illegal diggers, car jacking and violating etc etc the boundaries are only what real life crimes you can imagine…. the key to tie it all in would be with people/gangs specializing in different crimes each group would have things others need and need things others have to force some to either work together or rob the others just like real life….. yes, i was a active criminal for many years so if your reading Rockstar hit me up, im all ideas

Your ideas for this game just suck like if u want u can go play saints row cuz that’s what they have in there game this is GTA so if u have any more dumb ideas plz do us a favor and keep them to yourself plz..

I like your ideas. I like all the street shit, but i also wanna see more mob shit too like usury loan sharking and illegal gambling too. Legal gambling as well. There certainly needs to be poker games too where we can play against other players online. And have it in story mode too. I hope the story is authentic and raw, centered around all this criminal shit, but the usury and gambling is most likely my beloved. Maybe one of the characters is a mobster whos into everything from selling drugs, to loan sharking, and robbing banks and pulling all sorts of heists. Make another character a gang banger deep in the streets selling dope, pimping, stealing cars etc. Then the third character is like Mike from cracking bad, a badass resourceful ex cop or ex military special compels or both. Maybe did some high speed private contract black ops type work after his service and ended up becoming a professional black market assassin.

we need another benny’s to and be able to customize every single boat, truck, simi, or plane helicopter in the game and use any parts for our vehicles that we want to make that vehicle the way we want it hydralis racing spectacle custom-made lowriders all that even plane customization hangeres or helicoptor pads all of that and actually be able to paint our house or garage so then it will be the way we want it to be if u agree look me up on xbox one a3subieflow. THANKS

I think in gta six you should be able to get more guns. Also more gun camos. Also I think you need to add more vehicles for off online. I also think there should be three characters. I loved what you did in gta5 with the three character and I think you should do it again. I think one of the characters should be a under cover cop and the other characters should be a gangster and thief.

So if I could add anything to a game that is near ideal now it would be to have the option to where Shark cards go away. You need to earn your stripes on a game like this, so crawling before walking is the way to go. Create a gang and attempt to take over the city. Recruit members and go after the kingpins or become a kingpin. Have the capability to travel out of country to set up a drug trade. Become a dealer or kingpin and have ranks to where the city is run by highest ranking player. Create business and they can be legit business or drug fronts it’s totally up to you but with fronts come with risk. Have casinos open to the players to play, gambling on pony racing, sports, or become a bookie. Open the stock market for online play, and attempt to make it realistic as possible according to online gameplay. If you love creating havoc on killing players and you get caught I think you should serve a sentence ( one week of locked out is equal to ten years of prison ) or pay a gigantic bond and be on parole depending on what mess they get on you. Let’s get after the players that are on the game to pony around they need to be singled out. It makes decisions and deeds more serious and put thought into the game. If people think some of this isn’t fair if they can’t play a game they paid for… Guess what the real world isn’t fair so there is your realistic game. I have more ideas but I believe that’s enough for the time.

Your entire idea is fucking stupid and thank God ur not making this game cuz I would not buy it

Make gta6 a south african version because every gta is in amerika and make it for all consoles like ps3 ps4 xbox three hundred sixty xbox one pc ps vita ps wii and that you can go to jail if you get caught stealing and you can make familes and it must be able to have three characthers a rich stud a gangster and collage kid and you must grow your charachter like real life and must have real cars like VW BMW PORCHE FERRARI and you must can travel and put gas and oil in your car with water also and you can was your car get a legal job also ilegal jobs like robbing and beable to get a zombie mode

That is a stupid idea. I’m glad you have no say in the game.

No mater how cool this sounds but the PS3, XB360, PS Vita and WII do not have the power to hold this big of a game. And R* does not use the real names such as VW, BMW, Porche and Ferrari. Because they do not own the licence to that name. If they do put it in the game it would be illegal and they would get shut down. Before you go like “But there are mods to make the real names” Those do not transfer to the entire game and it is fan-made, but to have R* put them in they would be put onto LIVE servers and with mods it is just individual…. Not world broad

I have been a fan of GTA for most of my life. When i herd that there was a GTA six coming out in the years 2017-2020 i freaked. I think the game should be able to be played on X-Box 360/One, and PS3/Four. I love my X-Box 360. the X-Box One is to technical. In the map of GTA six there should be every city from the previous GTA’s (ex. Sandreas, liberty City, lost Santos…..). i also think there should be at leasnt a fresh city you embark in. it makes it to interesting. I love how the graphics get better also.

I personally think if we have so much stuff in gta 6, why not put it on old and fresh consoles because there are people out there like me that want it for their only consoles such as: PS3, PS4, XBOX 360, XBOX ONE, PC, these are the consoles that gta six should be on, and rockstar, the reason why we want gta6 is because we fans got bored of gta5 REAL quick

You should be able to upgrade any car including emergency vehicles you should be able to make cop cars quicker should be able to customize and be able to put more lights on the cars should be able to turn the siren off and keep the lights on create actual police or emergency sirens instead of the crappy three that you get for all emergency vehicles you also should be able to get into the train and drive her around and the train like in San Andreas

I would like to add something which i think would be best feature..As we have director mode in gta Five..i would love to have a better director mode in GTA six in which we can showcase the behaviour of our character, facial expressions, dialogues which we can add, and much more which can make possible for us to make a movie…even if we can add numerous story characters in one gameplay..

PLEASE READ. I reckon you be able to camp so you haft to buy gear like boots hiking gear tents tables beds and you haft to hunt for food like bears rabbits deer and more

And you should be able to buy tickets for a plane so you can fly to newyork then you can rent a hotel you can have a holiday then you can live there in a house .

You can buy pets like horses dogs kittens rabbits and more then you can buy land to have a farm and you buy pigs cows and stuff like that you can kill you animals and sell them for meat or you can breed them

And you should be able to have kids

thats a good idea some of it cause it will add more simulation and the gameplay will be endless

GTA is not and hopefully will never be the SIMs. Everyone listing boring mundane things they want to do in GTA needs to switch games.

1) Capability to add armored glass to vehicles

Two) Better helicopter controls. For those of you that have played BF, something like that would be nice.

Three) If you steal a vehicle, any vehicle you should be able to keep it. Not be limited in what you can keep.

Four) All of the vehicles you can’t inject, need to be accessible and drivable.

Five) More housing options

6) Destructible Maps

7) More large mission sets

8) Integrated (or at least partially integrated) online and story modes.

Basically all you guys want is GTA six to be a combination of Sims Four, were you can buy, restock, substitute furniture, feed animals, have animals, a day job with a secret life, undoubtedly some girlfriends and you can have hook-up where ever when ever. Sims four combined with GTA six would make one hell of a gameplay. Good at day evil as hell at night!

i think in gta six there should be more assets customization like in saints row like for female characters like fatter breasts if you want or mke your self taller or shorter or fatter or skinner or stronger or weaker or fatter donk or smaller or be able to fully create your character from scrape like in skyrim.

My name is jazz.. I believe that we should be able to play two players without having to get on PlayStation Network or Xbox live. San Andreas had a Two player and I think we should be able to buy houses & Style them. A female character would be nice for more sneakier missions women could get away with things better than Masculines can as far as eagerness. GTA V missions were brief & They were joy but the game should last longer. Being able to Do house robberies at night. It would be joy to have three characters + one That we can build female or masculine. More realistic things such as cars.. More multiplicity of cars & You should be able to have some keys to unlock the car. Different faces and people on the game. We should be able to talk to other people & Make friends & Have female friends. Be able to go into more places like Restaurants , Clothing stores, Grocery stores. More of a real life everyday thing. We should be able to pump gas at convenient stores. Be able to buy an airplane ticket to get to another city also. GTA VI would be very joy if we had a selection of things to do. We should get more job opportunities.

I would say if you are presently making the Grand Theft Auto six I would suggest to you that maybe you should have GTA six take place somewhere different as in a different city different as well as a Different Country why not attempt and make the next GTA six based on Italy or Sicily as I would think as an individual as it would be a magnificent idea to make the fresh GTA six based on the mafia in Sicily or Italy time line suggestion I would recommend for it is the late 1800s as in 1880-1890s or early 1900s as in 1900-1920 you choose the year surprise us and or make GTA six based on Fresh York even Tim line suggestion I would say as an advice 1920s the roaring 20s or around the time of WWII 1939-1945 or even the 50s-60s

As it would be interest if GTA six was based on Italy or Sicily that also means of being creative as we would not use modernize vehicles we would use horses which would also make the came more interesting as well more realistic can’t leave behind some mountains in Sicily and I thank the employees,moderators of rockstar and fellow other individuals for taking the time to read my comments on GTA 6

I think I speak for everyone cj must comeback to unit the family with this twist fraklin is his long lost son luis comes back to crim life and defeats trevor because trevor has a club tony has a club so they fight luis helps cj as luis mom before she passed tells him about cj a friend gta this is the best idea gta vi the come back of cj and luis

I think we should be able to own a farm and be able to plant crops and rase animals like cows,horses, ect… and they should have it to where you can buy land such as ranches or puny lots.They could make fresh vehicles and missions and you can make money.Also i would like it if they put horses in the game where you can rail them.They should have country places such as petite towns.They should make it where you can own businesses.I think have different culture in the game would make the sales boost even more.

I love gta series and it’s always been one of my favourite game series . Since it’s going to release around two thousand twenty two – two thousand twenty three R* have a lot of time to design a flawless game . I hope they’d make much realistic game with real life things , interacting with people – objects , give us lots of options to do a heist – mission – kill somebody , enable us to do daily jobs and hire people , lots of enterable buildings , realisting driving – flying mechanics , much developed artificial intelligence , longer story mode , able to use transportaiton vehicles , advanced graphics , less bugs and glitches etc . What i’d like to see except them in the gta six is;

1. Five* thicker map than gta five , containing three cities , lost of towns and settlements

Two. Much broader wilderness .. forests , mountains , deserts , lakes , rivers with lots of animals

Trio. Able to camp by yourself or in the national parks , able to have a caravan and live in it .

Four. Able to buy camping and hiking gear and go to wilderness . Find your own food ( fish , rabbit , duck , gazelle , vegetables , fruits ,etc . ) and prevent yourself to attack of wild animals .

Five. Go to fishing by yourself or friends . Buy a boat and fishing gear . Sell or eat it .

6. Detect abondoned cabins , warehouses with utter of supplies , military depots , people living in wilderness , secret labs , secret sects in wilderness which we can’t see on the map .

7. Able to participate rally races , atv races , snowmobile races , running races , bicycle races in wilderness . You can have a co-pilot or not . Also there should be survival competitions – tv shows like thirst games and we should able to be a contester .

8. There should be at least ten channels with different programs / movies every day in tv . We should join tv-show by phone or at the studios if we’d like . Also we should have a acting career in the movies or tv-shows if we success .

9. There should be daily newspapers , monthly magazines , lots of comics , animes and different kinds of books that we can read .

Ten. We should able to write anyhing or paint on the walls by dump .

11. We should able to buy private stuff like wallet , purse , suitcase , luggage , tomb , mirror , makeup essentials , key rings , phone accessoires , zippos , hair splashes , toothpaste , etc.

12. There should be box fights , boxing matches , dog fights , rod fights , pony races , arm wrestling , sports bets that we can bet and witness or participate .

13. We should able to go to restaurants and choose what we eat . But it should be exactly like in real life , not like gta four or other games in the series .

fourteen .Also we should able to go to the markets , groceries , patisseries , butchers shops , fruit and vegetable shops to buy ingredients to prepare ourselves or friends diners .

15. All home appliances , machines , cabinets in the kitchen , living room , bathroom and bedroom in our homes should be utilizable .

16. Dating , have a bf / gf , marriage , divorce , etc. should be available .

17. Burglary missions from san andreas should be back .

Eighteen. Much broader range of vehicles .. Trucks , vans ,minivans , suvs , italian – japanese -german cars , monster cars , bikes , buses , etc should be in the game .. We should able to rent-a car , bike or bicycle in addition to buy a vehicle .

Nineteen. Have a pet like dog , cat , bird , hamster , turtle , aquarium , etc . If we don’t feed them or take care of them they should die .

20. Lots of sports that we do in a team or individual . Basketball , soccer , football , basaball , hockey , bowling , 8-ball , volleyball , beach volley , skiing , snowboarding , snow mobiling , ice skating , surfing , windsurfing , water polo , fly boarding , rowing , rafting , bungee hopping , skyjumping , monster truck racing , haul racing , circuit racing , all disciplines in athletics , table tennis , wrestling , judo , taekwondo , diving , swimming , boat racing , etc…

the charactors in gta vi should be franklin,michael,traver,a female and also cj……they should put sport cars like koenigsegg agera r,buggati gt sport,audi r8 sport,ferrari spider,lemborgini elemento,bmw m6,mercedes benz a.m.g sport and able to put petrol in cars..charactors can also in crease their streight by going to lifth up,increase abilities,increase shorting by going to a shorting range,increase lungs,increase stamer..visit the hotel and rent their,buy so many houses with out a internet connetion

1 I think we should be able to own a dog two I think we should be able to customise two cars together like a adder and a zentorno three I wish the beginning there should be a spouse and wifey that commit crimes together and then they separate and you get to choose who you get to proceed as the spouse or wifey but some times they get together and get a drink or Rob a store or catch a movie four I wish we could travel inbetween near by states

It would be nice if the characters would be able to do more real life things like cook them something and being able to sit down to eat and each one take a shower. It would be excellent if the characters can go inwards more of the places like the hospital and other places they have to purchase things and make it more lifelike to hold the things in their arms. Just to be able to go inwards more places woud be excellent even iside te airport and maybe even to go inwards of people houses besides the character’s houses. It would also be good to be able to put a signal light on in the vehicle that you are driving and like I was telling being able to go to the store and purchase things but bring the bags home with u like Tracy and Amanda Michael’s wifey and daughter and being able to use the stove and microwave and buy stuff from the store that u can decorate your house with.maybe like if you hve a stereo system in the house being abe to turn it on. Also like when one of the characters call the other and say let’s dangle out then actually displaying them inwards the place their dangling out at not when they go inwards of somewhere but we can’t see it I want to be abe to see them inwards the places not when they come out that would also be superb and more car choices. Maybe showcasing them going out to eat at a restaurant no r going through a quick food drive through but actually being able to order food eat it and pay for it and being able to drape out with friends in your backyard like having a barbecue being able to use the grill and people in your swimming pool like having a gathering or party in the convenience of your home or even if one of the other characters have a party or gathering they can invite each other and some more friends and maybe make it different for them to have gf’s and be able to chit talk a little more than they do with the females u know like real life reality stuff.

That’s why you do that in real life are you a loner or some. Why would it be joy to see characters eat prompt food?? Or cook?? Wth might as well play sims if you want to do that. GTA is about stealing cars,robbing storesa and banks,killing people and getting money not eating tf.

Gta san andreas had eating option and cj’s figure used to switch according to that… as well as the gym option and many other stuff… and activities… idk why they liquidated all those features from gta Five… having some sims features in gta wouldn’t hurt the game… it would just make it more realistic and cool and the insane prices in gta online for clothing is just stupid… like who the f pays 40-50,000$ for a T-shirt… and the other activities like playing pool was cool… i would sugest that they just keep adding stuff and stop removing stuff… also it’s stupid to have bald hairstyle and then u go to the barger and voila u have long hair now… i think hair should grow in the game which makes visiting the barber shop a mandatory thing… and getting a long hair haircut requires waiting for ur hair to grow long… also the people in gta four had weight… the physics of the game at some point were better than five … and the shooting abilities it’s like stupid indicator in gta online… it doesn’t switch much for the character while in san andreas lots of things switched when u packed the bar for example cj used to treat two pistols at hitman level… as i said… just add and don’t eliminate stuff and get all the old stuff back into the game

Gta six you should be able to rail a skateboard

And play basketball and gta needs more kinda

two thousand fourteen clothing styles like Jordans nikes

And other boots and stuff.

Gta six should have more hairstyles five hairstyles

were alright but some just look crazy .

You should be able to buy any dog you want

And you should be able to work out and build up stamina and stuff. You should be able to sell stuff like your car to people in the game .

I hope gta six characters will still have unique abilities but different ones and gta should have mansions you can buy and you should be able to put pools in the back of your house.

And you should be able to prank call people

1. After an extensive research I carried out on GTA IV and GTA V respectively , I have realised that a major city that featured in the 3D universe has not recieved an HD universe reincarnation. As such the next GTA game , if it is GTA six (VI) has to definetley place Vice City at its epicenter.

Two. I stronly suspect that the featured cities from GTA San Andreas , namely San Fierro and Las Venturas will come back…. However this will mean Rockstar will have to update Los Santo’s map, graphics and gameplay entirely inorder to create the instantly recognisable “Westside trio” that is in real life Los Angeles extensively , San Francisco and Las Vegas.

Three. Getting back to Miami, Florida which inspired fictional Vice City … it’s gonna be fairly interesting to see how Rockstar will re-invent Vice City in modern times , living up to the iconic 80’s Miami drug scene will be difficult. As such WE should EXPECT an Enormously DETAILED GAME , with unmatched realism. I say this since it is very possible that GTA six will be released with SOLID graphics and gameplay on PS4.Five (PS4 NEO) , XBOX One and PC and later an improved version on NmNEXT GEN Consoles which many believe to be PS5 and XBOX Two…… VIRTUAL REALITY is a strong possibility especially with the RE- RELEASE version of GTA 6.

I will keep posting more of my day wishes .

There should me many fine features like-

1)There should be islands which you can purchase but it should be very costly to make it indeed realistic.

Two)There should be the feature of ordering our own cars with different designs like its leather interior,high spectacle engine and tire,electrical or automatic or manual,bullet proof car system,gold or diamond plating on cars.

Four)Providing our cloths garment to the tailor so that we can have our cloth of any design and of any cost from low to high.

Five)There should be a system of buying our own hotels ranging from five starlet to seven starlet and we should also get money for the people who comes in our hotel.

6)We can also buy resort or private jet or ships.

7)We can also bribe police.

8)we can also have family at leat a wifey.

9)we can also buy players for any football match,baseball match etc.

Ten)we should also get driving licence,pilot licence,train licence.

11) the main character should be a petite boy or woman or gay but he should be below eighteen years old and as time will pass by he will grow old and if he drives a vehicle under the age of eighteen he should be arrested.

12) as we grow old there should be a kid our also.

They need to make amazing graphics. They need to bring back being able to walk into places to eat. They need to work on car noises and stuff a little more. They should add blinkers to vehicles. You should be able to put figures or bikes or weapons in your trunk. You should have more characters you can string up out with at a time like random people from on the street. You should be able to sleep over at another players house. You should be able to “make” or “order your own clothing so everyone doesn’t look the same. You should be able to buy ties and bowties and all that stuff on and offline. Online and offline should be exactly the same just the difference of other actual players playing with you. Buildings should be able to be ruined and rebuilt. There needs to be a masculine and female lead so you can pick your gender and all about how you look so that you can be a lead character and be customized. They need area fifty one back. They need underwater caves or buildings or missions. They need to give everyone the capability to turn into an animal for a while on and offline. They need heists and missions offline. They need thicker longer cooler missions and heists. They need houses and apartments that you can buy and customize. They need to let people buy at least one business at a time and have one job at a time along with possessing a business that doesn’t have to deal with your job so there are more places to rob and hide and hangout in. They need actual officers and ems and firefighters and taxi drivers. They need more muscle cars and rat rods and more motorcycles and be able to airbag your rat rods. They need more hairstyles too. They need more paint colors. They should be able to customize the color of homes and the interiors. They should add bikes skateboards with a skate park. They need to let you add your own playlist of music to your car “radio” so you can listen to music you actually like and save the music so you can use it offline too. You should be able to shut off the music in houses offline. You should be able to surf in the water or go tubing or sliding from the back of a boat. They should make a fatter roller coaster and a quicker ferris wheel and make a mission with them. They should bring back all maps they’ve made and add the Capitol of each state in the US as each “state”. They should add a classy gentleman’s club not just cheap disrobe clubs. People should be able to tag buildings for the heck of it. You should be able to switch the height and weight of your character at least a little. They should make groups thicker than two or four of people dangling out offline or online be able to go after you in separate vehicles or motorcycles or bikes etc. They should add hockey. Everyone should be able to have pets on and offline. You should be able to get on the roof of any building without ripping off out of the sky. Female characters should be able to be on corners or work in the bars and clubs if they want to. Characters should be able to discreetly have deeds such as women on the corners do with the main characters just because. You should be able to pick your character name and for the story line they can call you he him they man dog bro dude etc. if your are masculine and vice versa for females.

I think you should make it like in the fresh York area. Have people buy other houses instead of just having one . getting a gf going on dates . work out in a gym . designer clothes and footwear. Alit of different hair styles and beards . maybe buy furniture for the house. For mission wise GTA five did good on I liked the missions but with GTA six I know its gonna be hot . just for the character wise let us create out own because I know females out there didn’t have inline and desired a female character

GTA six should have Australian cars such as the Holden Commodore and the Ford Falcon old and fresh models. You should be able to commence a family, pay mortgages, pay bills, ect. We should also have to go to court with a set date and time when you get busted. Also fully tunable cars; gear ratios, camber and wheel alignments, ect. Cars should also get regular wear and rip such as: deepthroated head gaskets, plane batteries and geysers more that can go wrong from safe and erratic driving. Guns also should have problems like jamming or back firing for old guns. You should also be able to get pulled over for speeding, unsafe driving and violating road rules. Australia should be part of the map as well. GTA six should include some the the wonders of the world such as the Superb Barrier Reef. Fishing should be an activity and depending on the weather, tides and location will affect what fish you catch (deep sea fishing should be included.) You should be able to catch sports fish such as marlin, grouper, GT’s, ect.

1. Accessable store and places are cool but put it like 60℅ enterable and the rest to be closed and We are able to see people eating in restaurants

Two. Amunition limitiation! Limit the storable bullet to at least Five/6 clips

Trio. More costumization for guns, like there are various of weapon skin and you have the option to sawed-off your shotgun

Four.More realistic battle chatter

Five.You can only carry Trio/Four weapon, one primary one side-arm and one side arm or grenade

At least those are things i think are reasonable to see in the next installment of the game, a lot of people wished to have a sims-like-gta where daily activity are detailed.. But i think that would just kill gta because it is too complicated and boring.

Hii my name is Raimir meyer

I want GTA six to be like the sims if you talk about the houses.. you can build your own house and buy everything to build your house and it takes days to be build. and when you talk about police i want them to make the gail work realistic . that when you get busted by the cops you get in prison for days so your player will be in jail till your days pas. and it work whit real days .so you have to play in jail have your own cell untill your day to get out comes. . and i the part of money i wanto gta six to have drug dealers so you can buy drugs or sell drugs and steal Cocaine from others .allot of kilo’s .. become millionair from selling drugs instead of mission.. so put more ways to get money. the clean way or the bad way. and in the part of the country . i want gta to put more grounds o you can buy ticket at the airport or put some ticket agents around the land so you can buy tickets and take the plane to another land. put like three to four grounds that you can go and live . and in the part of working . put some jobs available . like working in fastfood restorands or something or produce pizza . and in the part of free wander . open some restaurants so you can go and eat or something .. put drivers lisence in the game that you have to go to driving school to get it. and if you driving whitout it ..cops can pull you over and ask for it . and if you dont have it . your car go’s to inpound untill you have one to get your car some hotels that you can pay to stay for days . pay everyday for your stay .. Five starlet hotels.

people doing their normal jobs

a car that i rellly wana see in gta iv /6 OPEL CALIBRA

a family like the house is not empty and all boring

mikeal, trevor lester jimmy tracy and franklin like we all love

live with them online would be very joy

buy big houses and fully customizeble

take with you for eksample tracy or jimmy or everyone for go out and have dinner or play swim whatever

thank you for reading

i relly love gta v i play everyday and i am relly glad for all the people who have created it

BIG thanks to everyone

i know i must be sooo much work to create it !! we are all very thankfull

btw here is some more 🙂

i agree with all off you players that gta six needs more

what i want gta six to have is

they need to improve the way of when you walk around with guns and gonna free aim

its har to free aim they need to make it more like CAL OF DUTY easyer 🙂

nr one wee want much more car cuztomasation on all cars

nr2 improve the look of interior in the car for eksample cuztomise ewerything like needles colors and styling lights and ewerything and colors and much more in the car

nr2 more cool car nr one my dearest car OPEL CALIBRA. . so nice car ^^

more packs like you can buy car packs and dlc

nr three put in more stuff more militery bases like you can attack them and stuff

and militery boats that you can drive and cariers with planes on it and tanks

nr4 more air and attack and boat virecles

nr5 zombie mode we want zombies and stuff and like we need to sustain in freemode thats awesome and cool cars

nr6 manual gear on the car and supported by rat and pedals like g27! .

nr7 cuztomize inwards youre house like you can buy stuff

nr eight you can coose that youre car need to refuel or not 🙂

nr nine the needles on youre car shoild moove and showcase when you car gets warm

nr ten big houses to live in like vilaes and stuf with swimming poole and customize the look of outside of youre house with lights and alarms and security cam and guard that you can buy to patrole around youre house

nr eleven a garage where you can fix on youre car and a store where you need to buy things for youre car, can be ewerything fresh lights, styling lights and stuff and like you can dissesemble the car youre self and the put it back together and extra lights on youre car and they should work and deside wich direction they should be pointed at and much more .

nr twelve more hairs styles, all the time i haw been at the place where you can fix youre hair and i always look for long hair, and they newer haw it 🙁

nr thirteen more support stuff like you can call inn an airstrike or a tank wich drives around by itself

and you can drive around with a rc helicopters and rc planes, for joy

nr fourteen more custom-made colors like we can paint with emblems and much more stuff .

nr fifteen more options on the car lights xenon with colors crimson blue purple yellow and so on 🙂

nr sixteen tank, i was very very dissepointed the very first time i set my self in a tank i tought that there would be screens in the tank and stuff but no, i only was sitting outside the tank with only a glance and thats it

all other cars there is interior look and stuf but why not on the tank.

btw i love the interior look in the choppers and planes! : )

nr seventeen haw a pet

nr eighteen have a koi pound

nr nineteen more options on the neon like strobe or flash

nr twenty call in youre own team, helicopter and tanks and cars and see virecles or call in youre own army : )

nr twenty one atomatic guns on the chopper that shoots those wich attempt to attack you

nr twenty two call in a ac130 with guns and have a screen and you control it

or have a team controlling it and you determine where it is gonna shoot

for eksample on the cops or on annother player 🙂

Hi my name is Andrew, GTA six would be better with more realistic Police officers and cars. To commence with the officers, they should be tooled with a tazer and mitt gun. To commence off they should talk to you very first and if you run then they can taz you then if you have a gun they can pull out their gun. Then for the Police cars it would be better if there were a different multitude of police cars, such as the two thousand fourteen Ford Explorer or Taurus, then a two thousand fourteen Dodge Charger, a two thousand sixteen Chevrolet Tahoe and two thousand thirteen Impala, along with a Crown Victoria, but make them look indeed similar and real. Also air support is another Police option, to depending on where you are in the map equals different agencies so if there is a desert then there should be a sheriffs helicopter but a different color than the city police, and if your in the city simply use a black and white helicopter but like the one in GTA5. As for SWAT situations use a armored vehicle that is black and looks like a bearcat with a turrent. I think this would make the police departments more realistic with the officers and cars. Also if there is a highway/freeway then there should be Highway Patrol/State Police/Troopers. Thank you.

Hi my name is Brayden, I would indeed like if they could give us more opportunities with things like miss to intense vehicles such as trucks and more mighty equipment. Maybe even they could put navy ships in the game and permit you to join services. It would be amazing if you could see the container ships sail in and out of port and even if you could guideline them or be on them when they leave. Also I think adding holidays on flights to other states or countries would be fine. I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this but there is no kids in the game only adults. The main thing I would love to see us more choice in property and machinery and enable gamers to utilize this. Thanks

I want to control my character’s palms in gta 6. For example for private hygene , i want to trim my beard and hair with gilette or pruning machine . Hair and beard and hair at your under arms should grove day by day . I want to brush my teeth , water my face , use the submerge , do my toilet after that flush it . It would be good if we can use soup , shampoo , bath jel , after trim lotion , towel , bath rob , etc . For all these we should able to control our character’s forearms .

We should able to rent the apartments or houses also . Much more option needed to on sale or on rent . And also we should customize our apartment of house if we want . For example i want to liquidate some furnitures that i don’t like . I want to decorate my own house in detail . We should able to make deals with a contracter and arthitecht for these switches . I want to use the cabinets and cupboards . I want to buy stuff and put into these . And pets .. I want to have a pet and live with it .

Most of the commentators said that we should able to eat & drink decently .. I’m %100 agree with this . Why do you create all that restaurants – diners – coffee shops – tea rooms – cafes – bars – street vendors … if we can’t go into them and can’t order – eat – drink anything ? We definetely should , have to eat daily .. If we don’t eat and drink for long time , we should pass out … At the dining places we should order meal from the menu . Every place should have different menu and price list . If the place is truly classy and facny we should have to make a reservaiton before . In the online mod we should able to go to places to eat & drink with our friends … And yeah supermakets and groceries should be open so we can go there and buy indregients for prepare ourselves or friends a meal ..

Some, not all, but some of your requests sound fairly similar to the deeds you are able to carry out on ‘Strong Rain’. I loved that game due to the engine (also story) they put together permitting you to control the character very differently to how you do in GTA (powerful rain engine was based on their earlier game Fahrenheit). I am a massive GTA fan as well. I was twelve years old in one thousand nine hundred ninety seven when the very first 2d game was released and got addicted back then, I begged my dad to get it for me even tho’ age wise I wasn’t certified to play it. Being the only son, i got my way.

It would be good if they could included a different way of controlling the character(s) when carry out day to day task such as those you mentioned. Damn hell of a task I’m sure but nevertheless would be hilarious watching my Gf perform various different types like choosing and eating food (in a differently managed way like intense rain maybe utilising sixaxis style) to keep em alive like a tamagotchi or watching facial hair grown to the point that you can trim it off as desired.

Also like others have mentioned I want Vehicles to be able to run out of petrol to then be refueled at designated areas.

I cannot wait to see what this Game will have evolved into

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