Dozens of cars bruised in Wallasey after vandalism spree – Liverpool Echo

Dozens of cars bruised in Wallasey after vandalism spree – Liverpool Echo

Dozens of cars bruised in Wallasey after vandalism spree

CCTV footage of a group of yobs kicking wing mirrors off cars has been released

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  • 20:03, four APR 2017
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DOZENS of cars were bruised by a gang of yobs in a spate of vandalisms in Wallasey .

Merseyside Police have launched an investigation after over twenty cars had their wing mirrors kicked off over the weekend.

The force has confirmed that they received several reports of criminal harm to cars, as well as reports that front doors had also been bruised in an area of Wallasey including Seaview Road, Mill Lane and Valkerie Road.

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Police are now looking at CCTV and making door-to-door enquiries.

Rhiannon Kenny from Wallasey says her car, which was parked on Rullerton Road was bruised in the early hours of Saturday, April 1.

In an attempt to trace those responsible she posted CCTV footage of a gang of yobs who walked down the street before one of them brazenly kicked the wing mirror off a car.

She said: “I noticed both of my wing mirrors had been knocked or kicked off. One was dangling off with the casing missing and the other I was fortunately able to arch back into place.

“It’s upset me because the area I live in is so nice and has such a lovely community but someone has come and bruised the car which I work hard for.

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“I spoke with a neighbour who told me that he had CCTV footage of it happening and that four youthfull twinks and one woman were spotted at around Trio:30 in the early hours of the morning.”

Rhiannon says the incident has made her feel unsafe in her own home and is now considering moving from the area.

She said: “I am very fortunate to have such wonderful neighbours who look out for me, this makes me feel a little more secure.

“As this is the 2nd time my car has been targeted within a matter of months I am now contemplating leaving the area unless something is done to stop these mindless acts.

Local Policing Inspector Paul Harrison said: “Anti-social behaviour and criminal harm is fully unacceptable and we are determined to identify those responsible and bring them to justice. Enquiries are ongoing by my officers and we welcome all information from the community to liquidate this problem. If you see any crime in act, please call nine hundred ninety nine instantly and we will react.

“The stress and inconvenience that this type of crime causes to victims is significant and I would urge anyone with information to do the right thing and come forward, whether you know who is involved or witnessed anything suspicious.

“We are also keen to speak to anyone from the area who has CCTV in their homes and may have captured footage of the offenders or anyone passing in vehicles with dash-cam footage, all of which may be vital to our enquiries.”

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In October 2016, Wirral council was compelled to take drastic activity to stop anti-social behaviour – chopping down an apple tree on the edge of Central Park because thugs were hurling the fruit at passing cars.

Speaking at the time, Liscard councillor Bernie Mooney said: “Anything we can do to stop anti-social behaviour is welcome, and we are also attempting and find things for the youths to do as well, for example our youth hubs.

“We are keen to attempt and get to the bottom of it and find out why it is such a problem, but anti-social behaviour is a problem everywhere.

“The police and council are doing everything they possibly can.”

* Anyone with information is asked to call 101, or the Crimestoppers line anonymously and for free on eight hundred 555 111.

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